Delivering the Message of Faith by Streaming In Good Faith.
More Than Just StreamingInspirational Impact

What Is Needed

What do you need to get started with

    • OBS Studio [ Free Download – PC | MAC ]
    • Audio or Video equipment (digital is recommended)
    • A computer (or a laptop with HDMI, fire wire, or USB)
    • A high speed Internet connection.
    • Also any necessary cables to connect all of your equipment.

PLEASE NOTE: Although there are included bandwidth plans for these accounts, bandwidth overages will be billed accordingly. In order to support bandwidth overages in the case that your listening or viewing audience grows, our servers are set to allow for the additional bandwidth needed to transmit data. However, monthly data transfer overages on all accounts are billed at $0.99 per Gigabyte. If you have opted to participate in the Media Ministry Partner program, when good faith contributions from your ministry supporters exceed bandwidth overage charges, you will not be billed.

What happens when you sign up?
We set up your webcast channel on our network, we send you the configuration settings in order to successfully broadcast your ministry, we send you the link to place on your web site or give your visitors in order to access your broadcast media page on our network, and we place links on the media page to allow the viewers to support the network with contributions to pay for the platform supporting your broadcast. We can also place links on your media page to allow viewers the option to give donations to your ministry!

Company By
KESHANDE Technology
5700 Tennyson Pkwy.
3rd Floor, Suite #300
Plano, TX 75024

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